Who am I? : Maryanne Maina

Kenyan, based in Paris, France, serving a global clientele of love to indulge in enjoyment, discreetly, served privately.  My clients are from Russia, Singapore, Hong Kong, US, France, Nigeria, South Africa, UAE, Gabon, China, etc 

I have an MBA in Luxury Brand Management from HEC Paris, School of Management, graduated in 2016.

I am the Founder & CEO of Swan Maison in Paris, France, a boutique lifestyle services company: https://swanmaison.com/

I am have also contributed on luxury for Centimillionaires report by Henley & Partners,  Forbes Afrique and Business in Daily Kenya), Luxury Daily (US), etc

Below is a list of some of my media interviews and media that contributed to: 

Luxury Daily (US): https://www.luxurydaily.com/lvmh-watch-chief-jean-claude-biver-talks-hublot-strategy-in-africa/

CNN: http://edition.cnn.com/2016/03/02/africa/luxury-goods-africa-view-feat/

Le Monde (France): http://www.lemonde.fr/vins/article/2015/12/04/quand-le-nigeria-s-arrose-au-champagne_4824842_3527806.html

The Financial Times: https://next.ft.com/content/dde22e02-b5d8-11e3-b40e-00144feabdc0

Mail & Guardian Africa: http://mgafrica.com/article/2014-11-20-creating-a-luxury-industry-is-important-for-us-africa

To contact me for concierge services, email: enjoyment@swanmaison.com

To a life of enjoyment!


12 Comments Add yours

  1. Carlton Mbui says:

    Im thoroughly inspired by your work. Amazing. Doing the country proud overseas. May blessings keep raining on you


  2. Mpho says:

    Stunning website!


    1. Thank you very much


  3. Nomzi Kumalo says:

    Pleased to meet you Maryanne 😊


    1. Thank you Nomzi and thank you for reading my blog.


      1. Nomzi Kumalo says:

        You are welcome Maryanne.
        I posted one of my songs at my poetry blog today. Feel free to have a listen when you get the chance 😊


        1. I did, I loved it! Beautiful totally. What inspired you?


          1. Nomzi Kumalo says:

            Wonderful, I am glad. Inspired by life dear Maryanne.


  4. Dear Eraste,

    I hope you are well Thank you for your message. Kindly send me an email : maryanne.njeri@gmail.com

    Thank you.
    Maryanne Maina


  5. Sylvia says:

    Great work Maryanne!


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